Monday, 16 November 2009

Triple Thrash Treat Vol 3.

Keex's band Comanechi are releasing their debut album in early December. She has a blog post (on http:\\ linking to an interview, where she gives a track by track rundown. Now, the significance here is that she mentions bands like Celtic Frost(!) and even Bolt Thrower(!!!) and its stoked me enough to do a triple thrash treat post as I haven't heard either of those bands in ages.

Celtic Frost - "Circle of Tyrants" - Fantastic, grimy metal. Tom G Warrior!!!! Celtic Frost did a couple of dogy prog-esque albums after the first ones. If you like Celtic Frost check out HellHammer too.

Bolt Thrower - "Cenotaph" - Catchiest main riff ever. Bolt Thrower used to have some pretty cool album covers.

Grave - "Soulless" - Keeping in theme with Celtic Frost this is grrirriiiiiiimmmmyyyy, check the guitar sound! I managed to see Grave play a few years ago with Cryptopsy, they killed it.

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