Friday, 27 November 2009

Triple Stomp Treat

I went to the cro to see Blood Red Shoes play, the jukebox selection made me realise how I had forgotten how fucking good Helmet were. so, for no real good reason apart from this, here are 2 helmet vids, and a Fudge Tunnel vid too.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Scott Fucking Bad Ass Move

My mate Scott has had an interview done with ThisLife web art fanzine. He is a true character at shows, growls in two awesome bands Special Move and A*M*B*U*S*H and did a tee shirt for my old band Hang the Bastard. Overall he is just awesome.

Enjoy, link here:

*Warning - for some reason doesn't load in chrome or firefox, you'll have to use internet explorer

Scott's myspace is here:

And his blogspot page here:

Here's a sample pic!

Friday, 20 November 2009

Comanechi Album release Party!

Comanechi are a fuzzy, heavy sexy band from London. Keex from the Big Pink and Pre plays drums for them and sings. Their guitarist is some dude named Simon. They rule, album release party is soon...

Monday, 16 November 2009

Triple Thrash Treat Vol 3.

Keex's band Comanechi are releasing their debut album in early December. She has a blog post (on http:\\ linking to an interview, where she gives a track by track rundown. Now, the significance here is that she mentions bands like Celtic Frost(!) and even Bolt Thrower(!!!) and its stoked me enough to do a triple thrash treat post as I haven't heard either of those bands in ages.

Celtic Frost - "Circle of Tyrants" - Fantastic, grimy metal. Tom G Warrior!!!! Celtic Frost did a couple of dogy prog-esque albums after the first ones. If you like Celtic Frost check out HellHammer too.

Bolt Thrower - "Cenotaph" - Catchiest main riff ever. Bolt Thrower used to have some pretty cool album covers.

Grave - "Soulless" - Keeping in theme with Celtic Frost this is grrirriiiiiiimmmmyyyy, check the guitar sound! I managed to see Grave play a few years ago with Cryptopsy, they killed it.