Saturday, 26 September 2009


Back in the early 90s when MTV Europe was half decent, there was a metal show called Headbanger's Ball presented by some woman called Vanessa Warwick. They used to have some sick bands and was how I found out about metal back in the days before the internet and when Death Metal was still new and exciting.

Every week there was a slot called the 'Triple Thrash Treat' where viewers would send in a request for 3 death metal or thrash videos. It was the hi light of the week for me, I'd tape it on the Sunday night and watch it in the morning before shitty school, I'd normally fast forward through all the other stuff and watch it first as that's what I was into more than anything at the time - Death Metal. Anyway I decided to bring back the triple thrash treat every week to my blog. Here are my first three vids:

At the Gates - Terminal Spirit Disease
ATG are so passe now (Everyone claims to be influenced by them) but when this vid came out their sound was so fresh and awesome.

Death - Lack of Comprehension
This song is soooo good from the guitar intro to the fast bit in the middle to the breakdowny guitar part during the chorus. The singer Chuck Schuldiner died some years ago from a brain tumor. R I P x

Dismember - Dreaming in Red
First death metal song I ever heard. Heaviest thing I had heard before this was Metallica. This blew me away.


  1. The same happened to me. I recorded every sunday night program and spent the whole next week watching over and over the part called triple thrash threat. I had lots of them recorded in a videotape but they have sadly ended up in the bin. For me it was the only way to listen new and extreme bands without buying the cds. There was one special program in 1992, Gods of grind, Carcass, Entombed, Confessor, ... Shit! I wish I had those video tapes. Thanks for makig me remember those days.

  2. Yo! No worries, thanks for the comment, and sorry for the delay in approving it. I loved those times!
