Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Big up Lianna
My friend Lianna and ex bandmate in HTB has been in hospital due to Poland's syndrome. Please follow her blog about it and read all you can. Thanks
Friday, 15 January 2010
TRIPLE THRASH TREAT Stevie Loftin Edition!
TTT time again! This time my friend Stevie has chosen the videos, including a band I hadn't heard before, a Testament track I hadn't heard before and an all time Fave by ANTHRAX. So let's get to it biizzatch
1.WARBRINGER - 'Combat Shock'
A contemporary band I hadn't perused before, after a cursory listen I decree Steve has made a pretty solid choice!
2.TESTAMENT - 'Souls of Black'
Unfortunately, embedding was disabled by request, so you're gonna have to follow the link for this. Sorry Kids!
This makes me metal thrashin mad yooooooo!
Cheers again to Steve, if you have any choices comment/send me a message bloooood x
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Triple Thrash Treat Vol 4. Skill Wizard Edition
After an extended hiatus the Triple Thrash Treat is back with a vengence. This selection is courtesy of dj/movie mogul/thrash head Marek 'SkillWizard' Steven. The man plays tunes at decent metal gigs and represents the thrash 24-7. Blog here: http://skillwizard.blogspot.com/, myspace here: http://www.myspace.com/skillwizard.
Sacred Reich- The American Way
Fresh from the California Man soundtrack here's the 'Reich with their stomptastic Reagan fuelled hit "The American Way". Brandan Frasier MOSH
Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass
The first in a Dan Lilker double bill NA leads the way in a trend that didn't quite take off, thrash karaoke.
Brutal Truth - 'Ill Neglect'
Sunday, 3 January 2010
George V, War and Gratitude

It reads:
The Queen joins me in welcoming you on your release from the miseries and hardships which you have endured with so much patience and courage.
During these many months of trial, the early rescue of our gallant officers and men from the cruelties of their captivity has been uppermost in our thoughts.
We are thankful that this longed for day has arrived, and that back in the old country you will be you will be able once more to enjoy the happiness of a home and to see good days among those who anxiously look for your return.
George R L"
My great grandfather was a POW in France during the first world war for two years. I'm lucky he wasn't killed, and I wouldn't even be here. It blew my mind, in this day and age of having images of war on the news all the time and all these young army people and also the civilians being caught in the crossfire it makes me think of the families that will 'never be', their destinies cut short. I'm here, and I'm going to make sure the world knows it. No guilt, So grateful.
This blew my mind, Handwritten (it's a little out of focus but you can read it) :
George R L, George the V king of England at the time. Wow.
Old friend
Some footage I filmed way back in 2001 of my friend 'Pnut' Tom Clarke at the Shell Centre got featured on the PWBC blog. Check it here:
2nd day of the new year
I'm not slowing down yet! First stop, southbank:
Crew's all here, smoking time
There were a few more new characters on the graff wall by the same guy as last time, 'broke'. Looking sick! Although one already has a few scribbles on it by some toy. The perils of legal walls...
So then onto the 12 bar and the Rucktion evening
Look who's here:
Before I had to leave I caught a couple of bands, one was called "Fort Valiance", they were pretty tight!
So then onto West Drayton and party time, it was full of many people partying hard and singing along to KillSwitch Enagage, Finch and the legendary Half Past History, if a reunion of the actual band members of sorts. It was 'bare joke' as they'd say in the city.
Hit of the evening: The 'designer beaver' toy where you used a magnet and iron filings to create a muff decorated how YOU want. Of course, I had the anti-christ muff.
It was a good time by all! I ended up going home at around 1:30 ish, I couldn't drink because of driving and everyone was starting to drunk out. I got home and found this young lady online:

Good times. I hadn't spoke to Kirsty in a while. Although I'm sure I saw something move behind her curtains....
Friday, 1 January 2010
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