Just so bored of stuff right now. But Charlotte is back from NY and she is...married! WTF? I'm super happy for her and I'm looking forward to meeting her hubby, I can't think of a nicer person to be happy. She's the fucking queen.
The title of this post, however, is 'kisou' which means SHIT. I just need a breaaaak man. Work is super repetitive right now, at least this bad boy is out in two days...
It best wash the taste of those fucking AvP movies right out of my mouth. They were utterly cuntlicious
No updates recently, but back at work. Feel like I'm wasting the best years of my life behind a desk. Oh, and I quit university. Don't worry though, I'm transferring elsewhere but need to earn some bucks first. Japanese studying everyday at the moment until I get a real handle on it, so I'm looking at some solid graft until mid August at least.
If thats not enough I've been doing weights and running lots, getting real trim. I'm down to a fuckin 30" waist! Mario Galaxy 2 comes out tomorrow though, so sitting on my arse a lot more very very soon!
After an absence of the TTT last week I humbly apologise, and am on my knees begging for forgiveness. In return, I present you with a trio of vids that should leave you begging for forgiveness....
This week's selection has been mainly inspired by Terrrorizer Magazines newly released "Secret History of Death Metal" (Order your copy nowHERE ). Being a kid growing up and the internet not being the treasure trove of info it is today (let alone not available almost ANYWHERE opposed to EVERYWHERE like it is now) I missed out on a lot of good bands. Most modern DM (and so called 'death core' bands like) bores me silly with its sterile production and over reliance on musical complexity making something that was primal and fierce into a chin stroking exercise. A lot of the time it plain isn't catchy enough neither. so when I'm introduced to 'new' bands I am disappointed. Although these bands aren't 'new' in the literal sense, it's the first time I've checked them out. Enjoy.
Tim Bennett from London band Bun Dem Out and resident Saturday night DJ at the Soho Arts bar chooses this week's TTT. He's written a nice intro for them all. Bless 'im.
Enjoy kiddos
The videos for my Triple Thrash Treat selection comes from the German record label 'Noise International' promotional video; 'Doomsday News, The video compilation - Volume 1' which featured several German and Swiss metal bands as well as the Canadian band Voivod. I stumbled across this dusty VHS in a charity shop a few years ago, on sale for a humble £1. Undoubtedly the best £1 I've ever spent in my life so far. Here are my three personal favourites from this excellent video.
First off we have one of my favourite ever thrash metal bands; Kreator, with 'Toxic Trace' from their 1987 album 'Terrible Certainty'. The song is a pure thrash beast and the video is so wonderfully gritty and lo-fi and bares all the typical thrash hallmarks in unashamed glory: plenty of headbanging; metal stances; cut-off sleeves; tight jeans; studded belts; hair obscuring vocalist's face and a completely spastic solo. Enjoy.
Next up - Coroner with 'Masked Jackal' from the 1988 album 'Punishment for Decadence'. This Swiss band gained some notoriety by their links to fellow Swiss band Celtic Frost. The Guitarist and drummer were reputedly roadies on Celtic Frost's "Tragic Serenades" tour and Tom G. Warrior provided guest vocals for their 1986 demo 'Death Cult'. This song is a fine example of Coroner's eclectic talents. It's got thrash, groove, technicality and an awesome solo.
Right, to round things up and leave on a high note (though, no less brutal) we have Germany's premiere exponents of 'good-time beer-themed party-thrash' - Tankard. This track - 'The Morning After' from 1988's album of the same name tells of a drunken night's antics and the inevitable resulting hangover. A theme which is fairly common throughout the majority of their songs (there's even a song on the album entitled 'Shit-faced', so you know what to expect from these guys!). They may be comical in presentation and lyrics but they take their thrash utterly seriously. Just watch the video and see for yourself. (I also couldn't resist posting the lyrics, which are pure genius)
Can this be or am I dreaming? What a mess! Woke up drunk lying on the floor This cannot be, my place is trashed Broken bottles everywhere Vomit oozing down the stairs I asked myself how did this happen Don't recall Why the nasty, pounding headache? I need relief, where's the Tylenol?
Refrain: Lying in my bed! With a swollen head! What did I do? I always regret the morning after!
Morning's passed, now I think I remember Holy shit! Ugly bitch playing with my member Mutated sow with an extra tit Senseless ruckus late at night That's when we began to fight Four a.m. and we were hungry Cooked some food Ate until the fridge was empty Then they left, all their bellies full
Solo: Axel, Andy
Now my brain feels like mashed potatoes Getting sick I swear to kick this nasty habit And never drink for ever more Headache ceases, all is fine Getting thirsty, where's the wine? I cannot stop though I'm seeing double Sloshed again I know it's sad but I really need it Cause alcohol is my only friend
Lying in my bed! With a swollen head! What did I do? Lying in my bed! With a swollen head! What did I do? I always regret the morning after!
Well thank fug for that. I've been working my arse off for most of the year, with the end of the academic year hurtling towards me like a dead end wall in a car where the brakes aren't working. The reason for that being I hadn't managed to get myself a work placement for the third year. Now, a placement in my eyes is indispensible. If I had managed to get one during my first degree I may actually have some form of a career now (although I doubt it, my heart wasn't in it).
A big company has asked me to their offices for an interview next Wednesday, I'm peeing my pants! I'm working very very hard this week everyday to get ready and will be wearing the smartest suit in my arsenal!
Long time friend and french-speaker Talita Militia from Earache records chooses this week's trio of thrashing goodness with a (un)surprisingly modern era Earache influence so watch and enjoy!
This week I'm very pleased and honoured to bring you a trio of videos chosen by Miss Louise Brown, the editor of Terrorizer. She obviously knows her stuff, if you haven't heard of Terrorizer magazine for whatever reason, please take a gander here : http://www.terrorizer.com/frontpage_mmx
Anyway Lousie is a professional writer, and I'm not. So I'll let her introduce the videos herself!
Thanks again Louise x
Sacrilege - The Captive (Live in Birmingham 1988)
I've decided to base my three videos around women who seriously kick ass. None of this corset warbling bullshit (which I must admit I'm slightly partial too) and definitely reinforcing the belief that women have positive role models in this very male-centred world. Certainly beats that Fuel Girl/Steel Panther groupie bullshit that seems to be infiltrating every facet of my beloved music scene at the moment. Let's start with Tam Simpson from Sacrilege. Basically Birmingham in the late '80s must have been a seriously exciting place to live in you were into heavy metal. Look! This is a Candlemass show. Fuck! And Sacrilege are opening. If I'd lived there Tam would have been my hero. She is anyway. Xtreem Records just put out a compilation of their demos - get it!
Arkona - Pokrovi Nebesnogo Startsa
I grew up with folk music so as you can imagine I'm pretty much at my happiest around folk metal. I was raised on a heady diet of strong, female voices from Sandy Denny, Melanie, Maddy Prior, Jacqui McShee and folk metal seems to be the one sub-genre of metal where women are most accepted. From the more acoustic fare of Jex Thoth through to this blackened outpouring of menstual mayhem courtesy of Russia's Arkona. Vocalist Masha Scream is a true matriarch - I can imagine her ancestral sisters ruling the tribe and putting the warrior men firmly in their place.
The Runaways - Rock N Roll
I can't fucking wait for the biopic based on the lives of Joan Jett, Cherrie Currie, Sandy West, Micky Steele, Lita Ford and Jackie Fox. The Runaways did what they wanted. They were punk rock incarnate. The boys wanted to be with them and the girls wanted to be them. They paved the way and girls, we love you for it.
I'm slowly running out of metal experts in my address book to harass for video selections. However, this week the selection is by a man I should have asked near the beginning of all this craziness. Sam 'Badman' Thredder (Don't ask how he got his nickname, it'll give you nightmares) is someone heavily involved in heavy music. He has a lovely studio setup (http://www.myspace.com/thecrosneststudio) where a LOT of bands record their albums and also plays in innumerable projects ranging from Hench Beast(http://www.myspace.com/henchbeast), HellBent Diehard (http://www.myspace.com/hellbentdiehard) and Destron to his newest, SlabDragger (http://www.myspace.com/slabdragger). He's chosen some tunes that will make your soul shit itself.
Broken Hope - 'Into the Necrosphere'
Good, solid death metal. I remember this band had a song title 'She Came Out in Chunks'.
Napalm Death - "World Keeps Turning"
Possessed - "Heretic"
One of the earliest dm bands! Frantic shit, I think Larry Lalonde played guitar for them for a little bit. Can an internerd please verify my claim? I'm all wikipedia'd out thanks
Down on South Street Philadelphia, Out from Avenue C, I seen it in the eyes it was ready to freeze from the valley hotel!
I don't care about you! Fuck you! I don't care about you! Fuck you!
I see Hollywood boulevard, welfare hotel, I spent the night in jail, near the Wicox hotel!
I don't care about you! Fuck you! I don't care about you!
I've seen an old man have a heart attack in Manhattan. Well he just died while we just stood there lookin' at him. Ain't he cute?
I don't care about you! Ohhhhhhhhh! I don't care about you!
I see man rollin' drunks, bodies the streets. Some man was sleepin' in puke and a man with no legs crawling down 5th street trying to get something to eat!
I don't care about you! Oh noooooo!! I don't care about you! Fuck you! I don't care about you! Hey! Hey! I don't care about you!
I dont care about your feelings, i dont care i made you cry, i dont care i wasnt there for you in the trying times, who was ever there for me, who heard my screams, now i live this goddammed life with these broken dreams. THE TRUTH HURTS! dont tell me how to live or to change my ways, dont tell me to respect the things you do for me, when all you do is cheat, lie & decieve. its not what you feel its what you must do. this misjudgement happens everyday and this shouldn't be true, if you would open your mind instead of just your mouth and find out what the truth is really all about.
I've seen your face and I don't like you You're no friend of mine I don't like any of the things you do You're no friend of mine You're no good it's easy to see You're no friend of mine I've told you before stay away from me You're no friend of mine
You think that you can come around and act like on of us Just because you're in the scene Doesn't mean that you can hang around I see you everywhere I go Talking to the boys Don't you realize you're dirt In everyone's eyes?
If I've told you one I've told you twice You're no friend of mine But you never listen to my advice You're no friend of mine What the fuck do you what from me You're no friend of mine I've told you before stay way from me You're no friend of mine
You think that you can come around and act like on of us Just because you're in the scene Doesn't mean that you can hang around I see you everywhere I go Talking to the boys Don't you realize you're dirt In everyone's eyes?
You're no friend of mine You're no friend of mine You're no friend of mine You're no friend of mine
You think that you can come around and act like on of us Just because you're in the scene Doesn't mean that you can hang around I see you everywhere I go Talking to the boys Don't you realize you're dirt In everyone's eyes?
For those not in the know, Vio-lence was the band Robb Flynn used to be in before deciding to start a band with cringeworthy lyrical refrains like 'Let Freedom Ring with a Shotgun Blast'. Nice metal thrashing madness!
2.D.R.I - 'Thrashard'
The Dirty Rotten Imbeciles themselves with some tight, tight crossover. 'Suit and Tie Guy' is my personal favourite but this is SWOZ'S TTT not mine!
3. Holy Terror - 'A fool's Gold'
Another band I'm totally embarassed to know nothing about! Good tune!
I've been studying (or trying to study) Japanese seriously for the last 3 years or so. Progress is up and down, but recently I've started meeting someone every couple of weeks to practice my speaking and check over some grammar points. I'm also going to start posting a Japanese language post with every post I do from now on, to help me learn. So I'm NOT being a showoff or pretentious, most of the time it'll probably be all wrong anyway. Peace.
I'll endeavour to translate this post later! Probably through the help of this site:
Khaled Lowe is a brother in metal and booze. He has a great knowledge of and taste in metal bands. He also directs some pretty sick vids for people, with Ninebar and TRC but 2 videos in his resume (go here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Anz_kVX3KGk and here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHE3T3Z6ieQ for these treats).
Any I asked Khaled for 3 video choices for his own TTT, and here is the result. Pretty Awesome choices!
MORBID ANGEL - 'Rapture'
Also one of my fave videos, this shows the 'Angel with one of their most furious jams. Are they actually going to do a new album with Dave Vincent or not? Someone let me know please. Thanx
FORBIDDEN - 'Step by Step'
Forbidden are totally a band I drastically need to educate myself about. Banging shit.
CARCASS - 'Heartwork'
One of THE reasons I got into Death Metal, this song and video is great. This comes from a time that Sony/Columbia did a distribution deal with Earache (around '93/'94 I think) and as such some of the videos from this time had a high budget sheen to them. Longtime fans of Carcass seemed to hate this era of their output, I remember reading someone from Autopsy saying that Heartwork 'sounds like fucking Queensryche'. I still love it regardless, and their earlier stuff too.
Man. Busy is NOT the word. Almost every moment in my life right now is related to my course. I get up at 7 am, get into uni at about 8:30 ish and go to bed at 1 am the following morning. The only breaks I have are my coffee at uni in the morning, lunch, dinner and maybe 2o mins or so on msn talking to some friends. But it's paying off. Hopefully that Lionhead placement will be mine! So motivated, I love it.
"We may be elitist, but we’re still human, and explaining to that kid why you kicked him in the face so hard for trying to push mosh is the difference between that kid finding hardcore as something they want to be a part of and never coming to a show again."
If you want a good laugh go to this blog, it's full of lots of ROFL gems like the above
TTT time again! This time my friend Stevie has chosen the videos, including a band I hadn't heard before, a Testament track I hadn't heard before and an all time Fave by ANTHRAX. So let's get to it biizzatch
1.WARBRINGER - 'Combat Shock'
A contemporary band I hadn't perused before, after a cursory listen I decree Steve has made a pretty solid choice!
2.TESTAMENT - 'Souls of Black'
Unfortunately, embedding was disabled by request, so you're gonna have to follow the link for this. Sorry Kids!
This makes me metal thrashin mad yooooooo!
Cheers again to Steve, if you have any choices comment/send me a message bloooood x
After an extended hiatus the Triple Thrash Treat is back with a vengence. This selection is courtesy of dj/movie mogul/thrash head Marek 'SkillWizard' Steven. The man plays tunes at decent metal gigs and represents the thrash 24-7. Blog here: http://skillwizard.blogspot.com/, myspace here: http://www.myspace.com/skillwizard.
Sacred Reich- The American Way
Fresh from the California Man soundtrack here's the 'Reich with their stomptastic Reagan fuelled hit "The American Way". Brandan Frasier MOSH
Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass
The first in a Dan Lilker double bill NA leads the way in a trend that didn't quite take off, thrash karaoke.
Well I've had an enlightening afternoon. My great aunt (my mum's aunt, the sister of her dad my grandfather) came round for Sunday dinner and showed us a letter sent to my great grandfather. I don't know much about my family's history but I got to read this, dated 1918:
It reads:
The Queen joins me in welcoming you on your release from the miseries and hardships which you have endured with so much patience and courage.
During these many months of trial, the early rescue of our gallant officers and men from the cruelties of their captivity has been uppermost in our thoughts.
We are thankful that this longed for day has arrived, and that back in the old country you will be you will be able once more to enjoy the happiness of a home and to see good days among those who anxiously look for your return.
George R L"
My great grandfather was a POW in France during the first world war for two years. I'm lucky he wasn't killed, and I wouldn't even be here. It blew my mind, in this day and age of having images of war on the news all the time and all these young army people and also the civilians being caught in the crossfire it makes me think of the families that will 'never be', their destinies cut short. I'm here, and I'm going to make sure the world knows it. No guilt, So grateful.
This blew my mind, Handwritten (it's a little out of focus but you can read it) :
George R L, George the V king of England at the time. Wow.
There were a few more new characters on the graff wall by the same guy as last time, 'broke'. Looking sick! Although one already has a few scribbles on it by some toy. The perils of legal walls...
So then onto the 12 bar and the Rucktion evening
Look who's here:
Before I had to leave I caught a couple of bands, one was called "Fort Valiance", they were pretty tight!
So then onto West Drayton and party time, it was full of many people partying hard and singing along to KillSwitch Enagage, Finch and the legendary Half Past History, if a reunion of the actual band members of sorts. It was 'bare joke' as they'd say in the city.
Hit of the evening: The 'designer beaver' toy where you used a magnet and iron filings to create a muff decorated how YOU want. Of course, I had the anti-christ muff.
It was a good time by all! I ended up going home at around 1:30 ish, I couldn't drink because of driving and everyone was starting to drunk out. I got home and found this young lady online:
Good times. I hadn't spoke to Kirsty in a while. Although I'm sure I saw something move behind her curtains....